





Guillaume Potdevin


免疫肿瘤学开辟了治疗癌症的新领域. 然而,并不是所有的癌症患者都能从免疫疗法中获益.

Tumour biopsies shed light on the various types of cancer puzzle by providing a deep, 详细介绍免疫系统对癌细胞的反应. 但这只给了澳门葡京赌博游戏部分的信息, 因为活组织检查一次只能描绘肿瘤的一小部分. 

为了更好地描绘出体内癌症的免疫学图景, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在利用一种叫做免疫pet的新兴技术. 由澳门葡京赌博游戏不断增长的计算病理学专业知识提供支持, immunoPET could guide physicians’ decisions on the optimal treatments for a patient and support future immunotherapy research.


免疫疗法 such as checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionised the approach to treating solid tumours. 这些治疗, 其中包括免疫检查点抑制剂和细胞因子等药物类别, enable the immune system to destroy cancer cells more easily and can provide durable benefits to many patients.

虽然免疫疗法对一些病人来说是革命性的, 要充分发挥他们的潜力,还有很多工作要做. 例如, typically fewer than half of patients given checkpoint inhibitors respond to the therapy1. One common reason for this is that tumours can respond differently than healthy cells to a given immunotherapy, 即使是在同一个病人身上.

Understanding more about the bigger picture of cancer and the immune system within the body could therefore help to guide therapeutic options and improve outcomes with smarter cancer treatment combinations.



澳门葡京赌博游戏如何预测哪些肿瘤对免疫疗法反应良好? 解开这个谜团的一个线索是一组被称为细胞毒性T淋巴细胞的免疫细胞, 也称为CD8阳性(CD8+)细胞.

CD8+细胞是免疫系统抗癌监视和反应的核心. 如果它们渗入肿瘤并攻击它, 这样肿瘤就更有可能对免疫疗法产生反应. On the flip side, tumours that are ignored by CD8+ cells are typically resistant to immunotherapy.

One of the most common ways to tell if a tumour will respond to immunotherapy in oncology is by conventional pathology - taking a biopsy, 染色薄组织切片以显示免疫细胞, 并在显微镜下分析组织切片. 这种技术,加上 快速的进步 在数据科学和计算诊断, 提供关于免疫细胞存在的丰富而详细的信息, 以及它们是否在攻击癌细胞.

然而, one tumour biopsy only lets us glimpse a small part of the tumour – this may not be enough to provide the full immunological picture of cancer throughout the body. 转移性疾病患者, 例如, 一些肿瘤部位可能对免疫治疗很脆弱, 而其他人可能不会. 甚至在单个肿瘤生长中, some regions of abnormal cells may be more resistant to invasion by CD8+ cells than others.

仅依靠肿瘤活检, 他们深刻而狭隘地关注疾病的一个小区域, 能部分解释澳门葡京赌博游戏在免疫治疗反应中看到的差异吗.



An emerging technique for cancerous tumours based on positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, 叫immunoPET, has the potential to reveal more about the global immune landscape of a cancer patient.

Patients undergoing PET are injected with a radioactive tracer that emits positrons, 然后被扫描仪检测到. 在最常见的免疫pet中, 这种示踪剂与一种寻找并结合CD8+ T细胞的化合物相连, 暴露它们在全身的位置.

Combining immunoPET with another imaging technique such as computerised tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 可以显示哪些肿瘤有CD8+细胞存在,哪些没有, 除了相对的渗透水平.

与组织活检不同, 它们提供了体内肿瘤的快照, 免疫pet描绘了整个身体内癌症的免疫图景. This can provide vital context about how CD8+ cells are behaving at the tumour site as well as other important locations including the spleen and bone marrow. 对于转移性癌症, the technique can also signal which secondary tumours might respond to immunotherapy based on whether or not they have CD8+ cells present.

免疫pet也是无创的, making it easier for patients to undergo more than one session to track changes in CD8+ cells.



We are currently testing out the potential of immunoPET in a collaboration with the specialist company ImaginAb该公司开发了一种基于抗体的CD8 PET示踪剂. The technology has been put to the test in early clinical 发展 to visualise CD8+ cell activity in patients dosed with our candidate antibody treatments for cancer. 

随着免疫pet的发展, it could support the 发展 of treatments that can boost the number of CD8+ cells infiltrating tumours.

The technique could also empower physicians to provide effective cancer treatments on multiple fronts. 在转移性癌症患者中, 例如, healthcare professionals could use immunoPET to decide to treat one tumour growth with immunotherapy and another with surgery.

虽然免疫pet的早期结果很有希望, 要使它得到更广泛的应用,还需要进行大量的开发. One challenge is using the large, complex datasets produced by immunoPET to the full. 为了解决这个问题, we are designing algorithms powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline immunoPET analyses and provide detailed insights about the actions of the immune system within the body.

另一个需要克服的限制是当前PET扫描仪的低分辨率. 然而, 新一代的PET扫描仪和放射性示踪剂正在开发中, 这将开启免疫pet在癌症精准医学中更广泛的应用.



Rapid advances in scanning and computing technology are driving a boom in bioimaging and computational pathology innovation, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在这个令人兴奋的领域展示领导地位. One example is AI-driven computer vision software that can help radiologists to analyse medical images more quickly.

While no imaging technology will answer every question about the location and underlying biology of cancer within the body, immunoPET holds a lot of promise and we are excited to move forward with our partners to explore its potential and applications. 一个主要目标是确定免疫pet将提供最多信息的情况, and to see if it can be used to stratify patients in clinical trials of immunotherapy.

尽管现在还为时尚早, the technology could pave the way for more effective and targeted cancer therapies and immunotherapies, 进一步扩大这些改变生活的治疗方法的潜力.




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